Should team orders be banned in F1?

The events in Sepang last weekend once again raised an age-old question amongst many fans of motorsport around the world. Should team orders be banned in Formula One?

While in some ways it is inevitable that people will question whether team orders should be allowed in F1, particularly given the way in which both the Red Bulls and Mercedes were requested to hold station in the closing stages of the Malaysian Grand Prix, it is important to remember that Formula One is as much a team sport as it is an individual one, and with so much at stake for the manufacturers they are always going to make calls during races that serve their interests.

Ever since the introduction of the constructor’s championship in 1958, the teams have had a prize equal in importance with the drivers’ championship to fight for. Whilst the prestige and the main interest for the fans lie in the drivers’ title, it’s in the constructors’ title is where the money (and in some cases, reputation) lies.

All this means that the teams will take whatever measures necessary to gain as many points as possible for the constructors’ championship, and if that means stopping its drivers from racing on the track, so be it. If two teammates are running first and second in the closing stages of a Grand Prix, an order for the two drivers to hold position is far from unreasonable.

The difference between taking 43 points and no points from a weekend is fairly comprehensive, and with a points haul of that magnitude potentially being the difference between winning or losing a championship, it’s perfectly easy to understand the rationale of the teams in deciding to protect their position when they are running 1-2 in a race rather than let the battle for the lead descend into a demolition derby.

That’s without mentioning the fact that the reason team orders were legalised once again was that when they were banned between 2003 and 2010, they were largely ignored. While blatant instructions became a thing of the best (see Austria 2001), covert messages and instructions reminiscent of a British secret agent on the battlefields of war took over (“Fernando is faster than you,” anyone?). As long as such instructions weren’t so obvious to the powers that be, the illegality of team orders was useless, and merely a symbolic gesture after Ferrari continually abused the system in Michael Schumacher’s favour in the early 2000s.

If team orders were to be banned once again, it would be incredibly naïve to think that a new wave of all-out racing and total parity would grip the sport. It wouldn’t. We’d go from having such orders played out over the team radios to a return of pitwall Morse code (although with its ‘Multi 21’ instruction, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Red Bull were still stuck in that age).

Fundamentally, as long as the right to give team orders is used in a sensible fashion, there is nothing wrong with their existence in the sport. If it’s a matter of allowing your driver to pass his teammate in order to give him points in a championship battle, or ordering your cars to hold station to gain a 1-2 finish, such instructions are less about preventing real racing than simple common sense.

Taking an order to hold position as an example, let’s use two other sports to illustrate the point. No-one complains in a football match if a team leading 1-0 in the last few minutes decides to take the ball into the corner flag to waste time to prevent their rivals from gaining possession. Similarly, in test cricket no-one cries foul if a team nine wickets down on the final day blocks the ball for the last few overs to take a draw rather than launch a Twenty20-style attack on the opposition bowlers. Whilst perhaps not what the fans want to see, not a single eyelid is batted when those examples (and there are countless instances of them) are played out in real life.

Sometimes it is necessary for a team to do what is best for them at the expense of sporting entertainment, and although not ideal, they have a right to be allowed to protect their own interests without being punished.

The main problems with team orders occur when the right to use them are abused. Ferrari’s decision to make Rubens Barrichello move over for Michael Schumacher in Austria in 2002 disgraced the sport and lost Formula One a lot of fans. It was a disgusting incident and one for which Ferrari were rightfully punished. Similarly, the Scuderia’s order for Felipe Massa to let Fernando Alonso win in Hockenheim three years ago (although in some ways slightly understandable) bordered on the immoral and left a very sour taste in the mouth.

It’s these situations in which the use of team orders and wrong and it’s in these cases that some sort of ‘unsporting behaviour’ clause should exist in the regulations to allow the FIA to step in and intervene, but at the same time do so without jeopardising the majority of reasonable cases in which the teams rightfully give instructions to their drivers in order to gain the best possible result from a Grand Prix.

Whether teams give orders to their drivers or not is up to them. They are the ones who make the calls that determine whether they achieve success. It is the constructors that provide the cars to the drivers, and it is they who fight out one of the two championships that are there to be won in Formula One. It is for that reason that team orders are here to stay, and providing they are used sensibly, the idea of them being banned should never go past the stage of smalltalk.

And even if they were banned, the chances of the teams not using them are non-existant.

Stephen D’Albiac

Why Vettel’s petulance in Sepang could prove costly

There is no excuse for what Sebastian Vettel did in Malaysia on Sunday. You can try and defend him in any way you can, but in making the decision to overtake Mark Webber in the final stint in Sepang, he flouted a clear instruction from his team to hold position, and in doing so showed the bad side of his character in the most public way possible.

Whether Red Bull were right to order their drivers to hold position or not is irrelevant. The order by Christian Horner was there, and no matter what Vettel thought of it, he had no right to challenge Webber in the final stint of the race. He’d had four stints to get ahead of his teammate on the track, and Webber had beaten him fair and square.

While for the casual fan it may have been a move of brilliance, the fact remains that Formula One is a team sport. As a driver, you do the best you can to score the maximum amount of points, but you do so whilst racing for a team. Without the support of your team you don’t have a chance of succeeding, so when they ask you to carry out a perfectly reasonable task, in this case holding position behind your teammate, no matter what you think of it, you comply.

Vettel’s actions weren’t dissimilar to a footballer refusing to go off the pitch when substituted because he wanted to score another goal. If Wayne Rooney did that whilst turning out for Manchester United, the media and 99% of football fans would crucify him (not to mention Rooney being given a one-way ticket out of Old Trafford with a Sir Alex Ferguson-shaped boot imprinted on his backside). That is how serious Vettel’s disobedience was. He went against the direct orders of his team principal, and he’s lucky that he’s so indispensable to Red Bull that the most he’ll get from his indiscretion is a slap on the wrist.

Red Bull wants to win the constructors’ championship as much as Vettel wants to win the drivers’ title, and as a team they made the sensible decision to have their cars hold position. They know as well as any other team after the events of Istanbul in 2010 the consequences of having your drivers race to the very end, and with 43 points representing a marginally better reward from a weekend than none, it was a totally understandable and legitimate call to make.

There is no doubt that Vettel is a supremely talented racing driver, you don’t win three championships if you’re not, but Sunday’s act of sheer selfishness showed that there is an intrinsically darker side to his character. The proper way to handle that situation was played out less than 500 metres behind him, when Nico Rosberg, despite pleading to Ross Brawn to allow him to race Lewis Hamilton, respected his team principal’s decision for the two Mercedes to hold station and duly followed his teammate home with no hard feelings.

Sebastian Vettel is an extremely clever person. When out of the car and when he is winning he portrays himself as a very likeable character, one who likes to have a bit of a laugh with you and just an all-round nice guy. It is a work of PR genius.

Whilst I don’t doubt that Vettel is, all things considered, a good person, underneath that exterior is someone who has shown himself to be extremely petulant and bitter when things don’t go his way. His one-man tirade against his team and the FIA in Hungary three years ago was an extreme example, and his behaviour at Malaysia and Hockenheim last year followed in the same pattern. Even earlier in Sunday’s race he demanded to Red Bull that Webber be moved out of the way because ‘he was too slow’, at a time when the Australian was pulling away from him.

Now I’m not saying that Vettel isn’t the only driver to moan when he’s in the wrong. Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton have also both done it when things have not gone their way, but it’s clear that Seb has a bigger problem than most when it comes to his refusal to accept blame for incidents.

True champions have an immense ruthless streak about them, and it’s something that when used properly is an extremely admirable quality, but part of having that trait is learning when not to be ruthless and when to have the humility to accept that you are in wrong. It’s something that Vettel needs to learn fast, and it’s something that will hopefully come as he gains more experience and maturity.

As it is, Vettel’s ‘need’ to win in Malaysia could yet cost him later on in the year. With the sport set for yet another close title battle this year, it could so happen that he has to rely on the support of the man who’s trust he betrayed in Sepang. Mark Webber.

Jump into your virual tardis, and travel eight months into the future to Brazil. Vettel has to win to take a fourth straight title. Webber is leading the race with his teammate second, and the call comes over the radio for the Aussie to move over and give Vettel the place he needs to take that title. The fate of the world championship is in Webber’s hands, and it’s he who has to make the decision as to who wins it.

Would you blame Webber if he told Vettel where to go? I certainly wouldn’t.

Stephen D’Albiac